Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are teenagers wasting their money?

As a teenager, I get many lectures about how I waste my money and spend it on dumb things rather than saving it for something more important. I’m sure that I am not the only one that hears this from the adults in their lives. I think you should enjoy your childhood/young adulthood while you still can.
I know, I know, yes it is very important to save your money, especially not with the recession and everything. But you only live life once; you should be able to live it however you please. This year I have spent more money than I ever have in a year on concerts. (I think I am addicted, but that’s beside the point) although I have spent so much money on concerts, I HAVENT spent so much that I’m in debt in any way. I make sure I am able to pay for the things I do. Not to mention how fun it is.
Parents may think that kids are “wasting” their money, but to kids, the things we spend our money on are totally worth it! And if in the end we figure out that we wasted out money, then we learn from that and decide if we will let it happen again.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Teenage Pregnancy

Long ago it was normal for a girl to be married and have children by the age of 15. In our world today, the whole teenage pregnancy scene is coming back full force. There are easily at least 6 teenage pregnancies in high schools now days. It is becoming more and more common, which is sad. Teenagers are merely kids themselves, how are they supposed to raise their own children.
Ok yes, I am aware that there are many teenage parents who are fully capable to take care of their children, but in many cases (that I have witnessed) the child may grow up in an unstable situation. Not to mention all the struggles, and how much harder the teenagers life becomes. They become sleep deprived, they are forced to grow up before they should, and they may fall behind in school or even drop out. If they drop out of school it will be hard to find a good job. Without a good job it will be harder to support their family.
I am sure everyone can agree having a baby as a teenager must be really hard and stressful. No kid should have to go through this, being a kid themselves.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Women Objectified

I recently watched a short film called Killing Us Softly 3: Advertisings Image of Women by Jean Kilbourne. This video was about how women are portrayed in advertisements. Kilbourne analyzed many commercials and advertisements featuring woman, and pointed out that women are often used as objects. She pointed out some good ideas about things that I have never thought about before.

Here’s the link for the video:

After watching this video I really realized the fact that women are objectified in many ways every single day. There are lyrics in many songs now days that objectify women. They call them all sorts of names and say a bunch of unnecessary and inappropriate things about them, with no regard to whom they may offend. Not to mention the way girls dress and dance in music videos. Seriously? It’s hard for people to respect women when a lot of them parade around half naked on tv.

Girls, have you ever been walking down the street or hallway, and a guy yells and whistles at you? Guys, have you ever see this happen? I take that as extremely disrespectful and violating. I am not a dog so do not whistle at me! Some men think they can do whatever they want when it comes to women. This behavior is learned, whether it be from television or seeing these actions from others they may look up to. Sadly for some reason, the society we live in thinks it’s ok to treat women with less respect than others.